Zoning Field Trip

By: Haden Gough (Guest Reporter)

Mr. Bauer’s Business class (Gavyn, Melissa, Cole, Cutler, Haden) went on a field trip on the 4th day of school to learn about the zoning in Stayton. Zoning is how the local government controls their land and what they get to do with their land. They got visual examples of all the different zoning areas in Stayton. From agriculture to downtown, they learned it all. 

The class got some great learning experiences on the trip. They learned, for example, that Regis was zoned public and semi-public. They also learned the difference between high and low-density zoning is based on how many people live there. One of the biggest things they learned is how well-organized the city of Stayton is. 

All and all, it was a great experience and a great way to end the first week of school.

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