Writing stories is fun, and you can’t tell me otherwise.
By: Liam McSorley

When it comes to fun, you might think of many different things; exercising, reading, playing video games, etc. While those can be great, and definitely are, I have another proposition: Writing stories. Now, I know that sounds tough, and more like an English assignment than “fun,” but hear me out. When you write a story, you can create anything you want, with no exceptions. You can build your perfect world and disappear into it. Sometimes it’s just fun to find a prompt, sometimes a sentence, sometimes just a word, and write a story based on it. There are so many genres that it’s impossible not to find something you like. I, personally, like fantasy and sci-fi, as I feel those have the most options to expound upon.
Overall, writing is fun, and especially a good way to blow off steam. I hope you’ll try writing something sometime, and, if you want to, even share it with me. I’d love to read something new. Remember, the possibilities are endless when you pick up a pen or sit down at a keyboard. So, go ahead and let your imagination run wild!