Women’s Wrestling
By: Ruby Miller
Wrestling is a newer sport to Regis, and this year is the biggest team we have had so far, with about 18 students. Wrestling is more of a male-dominated sport, so women’s wrestling is less common. We have fewer opportunities because there are not as many girls, especially in the higher-weight classes. So many times you will have an exhibition match, which is when the other person is not in your weight class but you still wrestle. If you win or lose, it does not go to your record because you and the other person were not in the same weight class. But if this were the same for girls, then you would never have your wins go to your record, so at a lot of matches, they will group the girls. This happens when you are a pound or two over or under a weight class but they just put you all in one bracket so everyone gets to have mat time.
This was my first year wrestling and it was pretty fun overall. Next year hopefully, more girls will join the team because this year, there was only me and Marybeth Nusom. I am the first person to wrestle in my family, so I didn’t know a lot about it when I started but I learned and I plan to wrestle all four years of high school.