Why Plant?
By: Amelia De Soto
Why not plant is the real question. Why not plant? Exactly, you don’t know. Do you know why plant-or even how plants? No? Okay, I’ll explain, from a dude who legit has twenty-seven.
There is no reason to not plant. Zero. Question answered. Plants are good for you. They’re green-or other colors, which are scientifically proven to lower anxiety, AND they make the oxygen in their surroundings cleaner.
Not only that, but it’s something to take care of that won’t scream at you. You have to work to keep those things alive, but you don’t have to work to get them to be nice to you, because it’s a plant. That’s another bonus; it can’t talk to you, but you can talk to it. It’s something that depends on you in a nontoxic manner, which is probably the best feeling in the world.
Plants are actually really smart, and affectionate too. It may seem like they only depend on you for water and nutrition but they actually also depend on your mood. Plants can read emotions, just like animals and people, but not through speech or body language; just straight vibes. If you’re in a really negative place and refusing to do anything about it, your plant reads that and takes it on as well. It’ll internalize those emotions and basically kill itself. Little dramatic ain’t it?
Even better, if you give them something they recognize it as a gift, and enjoy it. This stands for putting crystals, herbs, and certain types of tea in their pots, but also music. Yeah, that’s right. They can hear, and have taste in music. I kinda doubt any of them really enjoy it when you blast Mindless Self Indulgence through a stage-style speaker though. I think chiller tunes are more up their ally-like lofi or sheet or something.
This one is not as surprising but maybe you didn’t know: incense and essential oils are really good for them. No, I don’t mean dumping chemicals and ash in their roots. I mean lighting an incense stick, using sage, or if you have one, using an essential oil diffuser to spread the smell around the room. The aroma mixed with the air is just highly appreciated to them-as they actually need it to live (to an extent: basically don’t stink up your house).
This is why you should get a plant, or two, or twenty-seven: they’re so cool. I mean, come on, I literally just said they have taste in music and are around $20. How could you not? Go buy a plant and maybe get one with environmental needs that are accustomed to your surroundings, time, or attention span. If you tend to share a lot of attention, and maybe over-attention, get a plant that is obsessed with water. If you don’t or aren’t home a whole lot, get one that doesn’t need much. But learn. L.E.A.R.N about what you get, because it’s weirdly devastating when you kill one.
K, go. And if you don’t have money, make a moss terrarium. I’ll explain that one another time though. Good luck!