War Thunder Review
By: Braden Rush
Hello everyone, I’m going to be doing a review on a Video Game. It is not super popular like Minecraft but is kind of in the middle and it’s called War Thunder. War Thunder is an online free-to-play multiplayer vehicle combat game with planes, tanks, boats, helicopters, and soon drones. How the game works is you choose a country to play in, with options including the USA, USSR, Great Britain, Japan, and a few others. Then, you get to decide if you want to play tanks, planes, or boats. After choosing, you do a tutorial for the basic controls and settings.
Once you’ve chosen your country and whether you want to play Planes, Tanks, Boats and have done the tutorial, you can get into your first battle, starting with really old vehicles from early WW2. That is because War Thunder is a grinding game where you have to start out playing old vehicles. When you finish a battle, based on if your team won or lost as well as your stats, you get a certain amount of SL and RP. RP is used to research new vehicles and SL is used to purchase them.
In War Thunder, you can also choose to play with up to 3 other friends or solo. As I already said, War Thunder has Planes, Tanks, Boats, etc, but you can also choose three different game modes. Air Battles, Ground Battles, and Naval battles. In Air Battles, you can choose the plane you want to fly, whether it’s a bomber or a fighter. Your goal is to either shoot down all the enemy planes or destroy all their bases with bombs. In Ground Battles, you either destroy all the enemy tanks or capture the bases long enough to win. Naval Battles are pretty much Ground Battles but with boats and on water. In Ground and Naval Battles, if you do well enough, you can spawn in a plane, helicopter, or drone after you die and do things with those.
I have been playing for around 2 years and on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst, 10 being the best, I would probably do a 7. War Thunder’s quality is surprisingly good for being a free-to-play game and is overall pretty fun. Still, I would only play it if you’re into war games like it and are committed. If you are only playing to get jets and high-tech vehicles, you may want to play a different game, because it will take a while to get high-tech vehicles without paying money. Another reason it’s a 7 is the owners/developers (Gaijin), like some other video game owners, aren’t the best. Now if you do end up playing this game, I guess some general tips I can give you are: Watch youtube videos and just play the game and try to learn from situations.
This game has to make a profit somehow, so they have something called GE (Golden Eagles) which is a premium currency. So War Thunder is kind of a Pay to Progress game which is both good and bad. What you can do with that is either research vehicles fast, get more SL (Silver Lions), or buy a premium vehicle. Premium vehicles are usually unique or just slightly modified versions of vehicles you can get for free, but they give you more SL and RP.
Now If you do want to spend money on this game, I have a few suggestions (not that you have to follow them) if you end up liking War Thunder. I would buy a premium vehicle because a lot of the time they are really fun and you can unlock new vehicles faster when using them. A few premium vehicle recommendations I have are firstly the “Brumbar” “ZUT 37” and “BV 238.” which are pretty good in performance. If you have friends who also have them it can be more fun. That is the end of my review for War Thunder. I hope you all have a good day.