Video Game Review: Sea of Thieves
By: Braden Rush
Today I am going to be doing a review on a game called Sea Of Thieves (SOT for short). Sea Of Thieves is an online multiplayer sandbox game. It is also a pirate game where you have a ship you need to manage and keep afloat. You can sail around the map that’s fairly big, with 5 other player ships if you’re on a full server. There are a bunch of islands that you can go on and fight skeletons, dig up treasure, or just loot supplies and do whatever you want to do.
Now I will talk about the mechanics and random things you can do. In SOT, you can choose one of 3 ships to play. The first one is the sloop; 1-2 people can be on at a time. It has 2 cannons (one on each side) and is the fastest when going directly into the wind. The second one is the Brigantine, which has 4 cannons and can have up to 3 people, and is the fastest when getting a crosswind. Lastly is the Galleon which is the biggest ship. It is the fastest with the wind pushing straight on, has 4 cannons, and can have up to 4 people.
There are two central things you can do in SOT. You can go looking for PVP (Player Vs. Player) to either have fun or steal other people’s treasure, or you can do PVE (Player Vs. Environment) which is random missions and things. In my personal opinion, the PVP aspect of SOT is much more fun than PVE. Not that you can’t have fun doing PVE, but it gets boring pretty quickly. Another reason you should do PVP is SOT is a game of cosmetics, so in-game money doesn’t do anything other than give you the ability to change your character’s appearance.
My personal review of SOT is that it can be really fun, especially with friends. There’s no pay-to-win feature in it, so winning just depends on how skillful you and your enemies are. I will say probably the biggest con with it is the glitches, like hit registration and just weird annoying glitches. If you do end up getting the game, some advice I would give you is to not care about in-game currency, because you will not have a good time playing if all you worry about is money. My second piece of advice is to engage in PVP all the time because that’s one of the best things you can do in SOT, and whether you like it or not, other people are going to engage you. My last piece of advice is to have fun, PVPing or trolling, or just messing around because SOT is a sandbox game, so you can do whatever you want other than cyberbullying.