Update on the Cinderella Musical
By: Melissa Blish
At Regis, we have many activities outside of school, and one of the most popular is theater, which is directed by Ms. B. Every year, Regis puts on a musical; this year, it’s Cinderella. Musicals are a great way to make friends, learn new skills, and have fun. Participating in the next musical could be a great option for students looking for something to do after school. Many students prefer being in the musicals over the plays because there are fewer speaking roles and more dancing, so if they don’t want a speaking role but are okay with singing, they could be part of the ensemble.
The actors and crew of Cinderella have been working hard to ensure it’s well put together and ready for show day. They have been practicing a lot to make sure that the show will go smoothly and it will be enjoyable to watch. “Being part of this musical has been a really fun experience for me,” said Hailey Jincks. The performance days are March 7-9th, and in past years sometimes there is another performance on Sunday. Tickets can be purchased on a website that will be put up closer to show day and will be displayed on posters around the school