True to the Blue
The Seattle Mariners Make It To Postseason and Defeat Toronto Blue Jays in playoff series
By: Ava Spencer
On Friday of September 30th, 2022, Major League Baseball history was made. The Seattle Mariners, the only baseball team in the country to not yet go to the World Series, ended their twenty-one-year postseason drought. The last time the Mariners were in the playoffs, the year was 2001. That was when they had beaten the Cleveland Indians, and it felt like all hope had returned, but then they lost to the New York Yankees (arg). Although they were one of the worst teams in the MLB, the Mariners fans kept on rooting for the Good Ol’ M’s, “Believing” that someday, they would make it again…And they did. How exactly did they do it? Well, it started with a little faith, and one heck of a team.
“I always knew they could make it. It’s been twenty-one years since my boys have made it to the postseason,” says Bekah Spencer, one of Regis Highschool’s student’s moms. “My phone blew up with my fellow old-people Mariners fans, rejoicing that we finally made it back and stopped the drought… now we’re going to make it rain, straight to the World Series!!” Bekah says. Everyone hopes, for the sake of all the Mariners fans and players out there, that what Mrs. Spencer says becomes a reality. This year the Mariners have had an incredible season, so they should hopefully be able to stay in the playoffs for at least a few games. They have had an incredible season because they’ve had incredible players…the M’s always have. From Ken Griffey Jr, to Edgar Martinez, to Ichiro Suzuki, and to the players of this generation; the Mariners have always had some of the best, most determined baseball players in the country. Also this year the M’s overall have had a fantastic season. They’ve broken records and have beaten scores like never before. These guys and their coaches deserve to win The Series, they’ve persevered all these long years and they have worked hard at what they do. The great pitchers, batters, in/out-fielders, and base-runners of this team have earned it. They’ve all sacrificed a lot for their team and its fans.
The Seattle Mariners are one of the underdog teams of this year’s postseason. Most people think that they can’t do it and that they will never be in the World Series. But the Mariners can prove them all wrong, so far, they have. Last Friday, October 7th, the Mariners went up against the Toronto Blue Jays in a three-game series. They won the first game by sweeping the Jays at a score of 4-0, and they later won the second game the day after, ending the series and taking Canada out of the playoffs. The second and final game was super stressful. At first, the Mariners were losing 1-8, but then they came back miraculously and beat the Blue Jays 10-9. After winning this sequence of games, the Mariners and “The Best Fans In Baseball” as Mrs. Spencer likes to call them, are now a little more confident in themselves.
The Mariners can do it, they can make it to the World Series. They just need more people to cheer them on and encourage them. So if your favorite MLB team is not in the playoffs this year, and you are looking for a team to root for, how about supporting the Seattle Mariners? All they need is for people to be there for them and to have faith. All they need is for people to Believe!