The Best Christmas Present
By: Lucas Hernandez

It was a snowy night filled with Christmas joy. It was the night of December 24th, 2014, a young five-year-old Lucas Hernandez was getting tucked into bed with no sight of sleep, high on excitement for the following morning. I remember that night like no other.
The list sent to Santa that year had the same thing across the top three spots, a dog. The young Lucas wanted nothing more than a man’s best friend. A dog was all I was hoping for on that magical day. We were there, it was morning and I rushed to the living room; after waiting for my parents and sisters to wake up it was time.
After my sisters opened their gifts my turn had arrived. After opening my presents I was grateful but still felt empty because I was dogless. Then, my parents said my siblings and I should check the porch. After opening the door we saw nothing, till we looked down at a small box about the size of a big shoe box; we opened it without hesitation. Inside that box was all I could have hoped for, A dog. My sisters and I convened and decided he would be named Snoopy, and from that point on it was history.
Today we still have Snoopy who is now 10 years old. In those ten years, Snoopy has won Pet of the Week at Regis, He also has one less eye than he did on that magical day.