The 2024 Freshman Retreat
By: Ainslie Hume

The Freshmen had their first retreat of 2024 on Friday, September 20th. All the Freshmen started at Father Bernard Youth Center where they began with prayer, had some donuts, and then split into smaller groups with Senior group leaders. In the small groups, they all walked to St Mary Catholic Church in Mount Angel, where we sat to pray. After we finished the Rosary, our Senior group leaders gave us booklets for our next stop, the Mt. Angel Abbey. At Mt. Angel Abbey we visited the Stations of the Cross, and we read a short passage for each location, there are 14 stations. After we finished all the stations, we walked to the Mt. Angel Abbey bookstore right next to the stations, where Mr. Tabor bought us all the coffee. Afterward, we went to Mt. Angel Abbey Church where we attended noon prayer. Afterward, we ate lunch and then got on the buses to go to Get Air. We all had a great time and I think the field trip was overall really great, and educational. MaryLynn said, “It was very interactive and there was a lot of opportunity for community bonding through prayer.” Adrianna said, “The churches were very pretty, and I had a great time.”