Tales of Philbert
By: Amelia de Soto
Alright, listen. Shhh, don’t try to get away. Okay, are you listening? Good. It’s time to talk about the problem of our bad friendship skills.
Far into the courtyard, right before the building with the Team Room in it, barred in wire fencing, is a little soldier. This soldier’s name is Philbert Crunchy, and he is persevering through his difficult circumstance of growing (as a young tree) through the cracks of the ground.
As a community, we are supposed to support each other. We are supposed to be unique and different, but accepting and connected through a greater bond. This includes everyone, the strong, or the weak, the brave and the meek, and the greenery and the fleshy. Support Philbert, as we are a community of gifting and love.
I highly encourage you to treat our Philbert with deep respect and save him from perishing. This can mean giving him a little of your water as you walk by, or even just giving a friendly wave hello. Please help make a happy environment for our little dude.
An illustration of Philbert drew by Millie

This is Philbert:D