Student of the month
By Amelia Woods

The virtue of the month for April was perseverance. Perseverance is one of the most essential virtues here at Regis, and all of the students do their best to practice it as much as possible. Perseverance is an inner strength that allows an individual to deal with the ups and downs of life as well as with the failings of others. In challenging circumstances, instead of lashing out, perseverance helps individuals to continue to put their faith in God and people. Perseverance also enables a person to accompany others in their anxiety and distress, even though doing so may not bring immediate satisfaction.
The recipients of the award for this month were Alexa Gough, Ethan Emch, Mylah Etzel, Milli De Ulloa, Isabel Foltz, Tanner Lawson, Luke West, and Hannah Bach.