Stephen Wagenaars Regis High School experience
By Emmett Wagenaar

In 1995 my father Stephen Wagenaar came to Regis as a freshman. He tried several sports and decided he liked track and cross country and stuck with them through senior year. In track he ran the 300 hurdles and helped coach the freshman basketball team his senior year. He remembers there being more students going to Regis when he was there he said there was a varsity and JV team for every sport because there were so many students. Things he remembers loving about track and cross country were taking naps on the high jump pad in the sun instead of running cooldowns. Unfortunately he didn’t make state his senior year because of all the workouts he skipped.
His favorite class was science with Mr Healy over the years saying he was an awesome teacher.A coach he liked running with was Mr Bauer during cross country because he liked running so much. His favorite memories during track and cross country were spaghetti nights before meets and he really liked running at Bush Park. A funny fact about Santiam was that it was always really cold and wet every time they hosted a track meet so no one ever wanted to stay very long.
During the weekends he liked to ride his dirt bike and work on his car which he had to do a lot because it was always having problems but it didn’t bother him because he liked working on it so much . He enjoyed being outside and spending time with his friends and family. He says that his senior year at graduation he was awarded the king of Regis award and it was voted on by the students and he remembers being embarrassed while being awarded. He said that one of the elementary school teachers who he knew lived right next to him and it was weird having a teacher see him every day outside of school.
His favorite game during PE was badminton outside during April and May. His two younger sisters went to Regis after him and he said he never really had any bad experiences and he graduated in 1999. After high school he went to OSU along with Mike Miotke who was a grade above him. He decided to get a degree in microbiology and he still uses some of what he learned today while working at Top Hat Mushrooms where they produce shiitake mushroom Mycelium blocks which are basically small football sized blocks of sawdust and dirt that is infused with Mycelium and it grows a lot of mushrooms for the size of block it is.