Regis Student Makes it to Nationals
By: Eli Bischoff
Thomas Bischoff has wrestled since he was 5 and has spent maybe a gazillion hours on the mat. Ever since Thomas was 6 he’s dreamt of competing in the 16U National tournament in Fargo, North Dakota. This summer Thomas got the opportunity to fulfill that dream.
Thomas is one of the best wrestlers I know. He started wrestling at Salem Elite with his older brother Luke. They wrestled there for three years then switched to Silverton Mat Club. A few years later Thomas took his first triple crown (meaning he took first place in all three styles of wrestling). Then he, once again, took a triple crown last year, which gave him the chance to go to nationals.
At Nationals Thomas struggled with the tougher competition, but as Thomas states, “It was a tough and difficult experience, but I persevered and lat dropped everyone who got in my way.” If you don’t know what a lat drop is, it’s Thomas’ favorite move. Thomas may feel doubt, but he won’t stop until he reaches his goal, which is why Thomas left that tournament as one of the top twelve best wrestlers in the nation.
According to Thomas, It was one of the best wrestling experiences of his life and he would do it again in a heartbeat. Thomas looks forward to chasing after more of his goals, and maybe wrestle in college. So, next time you see Thomas, congratulate him on this great accomplishment. Bye, and keep reading on the Rampage.
A Photo of Thomas and His father after being qualified to be part of Team Oregon at the USA:

Here’s a photo of Thomas Bischoff during one of his competitions: