Regis Rams vs Santiam Wolverines
By: Marybeth Nusom
The Regis boys’ baseball team came through with a victory against the Santiam Wolverines. The game was on the Regis field on April 14th. The game started at two o’clock and went on until about four. The Rams won by ten runs in the fifth inning due to a mercy rule. The “mercy rule” or the “ten run rule” is a rule that ends the game early if one team is winning (or losing) by about 10 points. Because it was a doubleheader, the game was the first of two. After winning the first game, they went on to win the next, too. The Regis pitcher Bryson Nygren threw the 3rd no-hitter of his career. A no-hitter is when the opposing team is unable to hit any of the pitches.
Collin Schumacher went on to say that “it was a swag couple of games,” which expresses the team’s excitement for their wins and shows how much fun they had while playing against Santiam. The Rams have had a great season so far, and it’s clear they will go far. Hopefully, the Rams will continue with a positive attitude and bring home many more wins. I encourage as many people as possible to go to the games, show school spirit, and root hard for the Regis baseball team.