Regis High School Prom
By: Owen Eaton

Photo credit: Logan Kirsch
This past weekend, Regis High School had its prom. This was an excellent experience for all who attended. Many people got pictures and went to dinner before at places like Rudys and Magnolia. Logan Kirsch said, “It was lots of fun; the moshpit was my favorite part.” The DJ did a good job playing music everybody liked. Max Eaton, Thomas Bischoff, and Eric Silbernagel were prom princes. Kaylee Silbernagel, Rachel Koellmann, and Daisy Hernandez were prom princesses, and Max Eaton and Kaylee Silbernagel won prom king and queen. Events at the dance included a moshpit, a conga line, and a line dance to the Boot Scootin Boogie. A special shout out to Mr. Irardi, the chaperone MVP, for helping push someone out of the field when their car got stuck.