My Interest After High School
By: Lina Rutkowski
I personally love kids and animals, especially baby animals because they are so cute and sweet. I have always loved to help out and play with little kids, and it has always been something that I have enjoyed. Since I entered high school, the question that has come up more often than before is about my future. What I plan to do after high school was kind of a scary question and honestly, I had no idea. But still, the question kept coming up, and I wanted to have an answer or at least an idea. So, with the help of my parents and teacher’s guidance, I figured it out. I want to pursue a career in teaching.
In the past couple of years, I have had much more experience with kids since my own sister was born, and with babysitting and so on, and I truly enjoy all of it. Some of my greatest role models were my teachers. They made a huge impact on me and I am so thankful for them. Over my years of schooling, I have had the privilege to go to good schools with amazing teachers. I will admit that some were better than others, but I remember they really made me love school and made learning fun and exciting. I really think that it is important for a person to want to learn and enjoy it. They also helped me to understand myself and have values. I have grown as a person and child of God, and want to be able to do the same for kids when I teach. I want to be able to help them learn and grow and make an impact. I think that teachers are so important, and sadly today we are struggling to find them. I see them as a child’s first introduction to the world. Parents trust them to show their kids how to function in our world.
I found that our school is willing to help me in further years to pursue teaching and to help me get into a great program. It’s called the Cadet program, and it is run by Mr. Vancauteren for juniors and seniors wanting to go into teaching. In the programs, we get to help out at St. Mary’s and get hours in and practice. It’s kind of like an internship. We get to help out in the actual classrooms and gain experience. It’s a great program and even transfers directly to Western University and is worth 3 college credits. It’s such a great program and I’m so excited to be a part of it during my junior and senior years.
So, I am very interested in becoming a teacher, and I want to teach a younger class like kindergarten or first grade. I think it would be so much fun and so exciting. I would absolutely love to teach and am willing to if God leads me to pursue this career.