My Group For Homecoming
By: Hayden Lulay

It all started when someone asked me who my group was for homecoming. I thought about it and told my mom about it and my mom said ‘’ Oh you should have people over for homecoming to take pictures before and after homecoming’’. I said to her ‘’ yeah I’ll ask people if they want to come and if they can’’. The people that are in my group are Olivia, James, Morgan, Hudson, Maysen, Brody, Monse, and I. Before homecoming, we have dinner at my house and just take pictures at my house, and then after the dance we come back and just hang out for a little. My special lady is Olivia Adams. I asked her to homecoming last week and it was pretty cool. She liked my sign a lot. I picked all of these people because they are my friends and some of the others are Olivia’s friends and they are just a cool group to be around. I just can’t wait until homecoming. It’s going to be so fun this is my first homecoming dance and it just sounds really fun.