My Family Tree
By: Lucas Koehnke
For my last Rampage article, I decided to write about my family members attending Regis. Looking through old yearbooks, I noticed that most of my dad’s family graduated from Regis. On top of that, my mom graduated from Regis, as did her dad and three aunts.
My Grandpa and his siblings went to Regis all at different times. My great-aunt Denise was the oldest and graduated in 1972. My grandpa went to Regis from 1972 to 1975. In my grandpa’s Senior year, he went to school with my great aunt Denette, a freshman, in 1975. My great-aunt Denise graduated in 1974, and my youngest great-aunt Karen attended Regis from 1978 to 1982.
My Mom attended Regis from 1994 to 1998, like my dad. She played softball, ran cross country all four years, and played basketball for one year. My mom said that softball was her best sport, but I disagreed. My mom told me that she individually ran cross country and qualified for state. I bet she was unhappy that she could have been on the state championship cross-country team if she had been a year older.
My dad went to high school at Regis from 1994 to 1998. I loved looking through the yearbooks because my dad had changed a lot from freshman to senior year. I especially loved seeing my dad in the yearbook because Regis had a tradition for first-year students during homecoming week called baby day. My dad had a Trailblazer Jersey, a bib, and his little bottle. While at Regis, my dad played one year of football and four years of basketball and track. I heard my grandpa’s cousin Tim tell a story about how he embarrassed my dad at his graduation.
My dad’s brothers all went to Regis from 1996 to 2006. My uncle Brad, the youngest, was on the teams that three-peated. My uncle Bryan was on the team that made it to the state playoffs and won in 2005 and 2006. My uncle Drew played basketball and never won a state championship like my dad, but they both played on great teams at Regis.
My dad’s sisters attended Regis, but my aunt Kirsten went to Salem Academy during her junior and senior years. My aunt Whitney graduated from Regis and won 3 state championships. She was what my family calls an athlete. In her senior year, she won player of the state in volleyball, basketball, and softball.
As you can see, my family has mostly graduated from high school at Regis. Some have even done above and beyond in athletics. I decided to write this article because it would interest me to note about my family members attending Regis. Looking through old yearbooks, I had fun seeing how they looked or changed from High School.