My Crazy Family Christmas
By: Morgan Clary

During Christmas time around my house, we have a lot going on. We have a family Christmas with my grandpa Mike and grandma Brenda two weeks before Christmas. During that Christmas, we got our gifts from them and saw my grandma Brenda’s daughters Lisa, Mindy, and Ashley. On Christmas Eve we always go over to my grandma Janice’s house. On Christmas day, I wake up at 7:30 AM to open gifts and eat breakfast. At 9:30 my dad comes to pick me up or my mom comes to pick me up. I got to the other parent’s house to open gifts and then eat some more. The rest of my day depends on which parent I am with. With my mom, we went to the Kintz family Christmas. My great aunt Viki and uncle Johnny host and the whole family goes there. If I am with my dad on Christmas day it is a toss-up of what we do, for example, last year we got all done with presents and we decided to go bowling at the Silverton bowling alley. No matter what parent or family I am with, Christmas is always a fun and crazy time. MERRY CHRISTMAS!