My Christmas Traditions
By: Monse Juarez

At my house, we have lots of traditions in my family. Like we celebrate Christmas on the 24th and the 25th. On the 24th we would wake up and then wake our parents up. Then we would go to the living room and wait for our parents to come. Then when they came and everyone was in the living room we would start by looking inside our stockings. After we would see what’s inside of our stockings we would start opening presents. After we finished we would put our things away and clean up all the wrapping paper. Then we would have breakfast and then get ready to go to my grandparent’s house. We usually go to my grandma’s and do a Christmas exchange. My grandma would always make a lot of food on Christmas like tamales and other foods. We would also go to both of my family’s sides and tell them Merry Christmas and stay there for a while. Then we would go see the Christmas lights. After we had done all of that we would just hang out at my grandma’s with my cousins. At the end of the day, we would go home and watch a Christmas movie. Then the upcoming Sunday we would go to church with my family.