Local Hairless Dog
By: Hailey Jincks

This hairless dog is one little creature that somehow survives in this mess of a world. Her name is Scarlet No Haira. She has millions of nicknames, some of which are Scarlet, Chupa, Cupacarbra, Chelu, Rat Dog, naked, and Che Che. She is a mix between Yorki, Frenchie, and Chinese Crested. She has one other sibling in Oregon named Cruella, who, strangely enough, was the only puppy in that litter with hair. Scarlet loves heating pads, cuddling, cat poop, and any food that is dropped on the floor. This Rat Dog has one small tuft of hair and a few strands on her back and tail. She only has six out of 42 teeth.
I’m about 90% sure that she is not from this world. My reasoning is how far apart her eyes are. When she wants to go to the restroom, this animal has a death screech to tell any living thing that she wants to go outside to smell the air. Whenever she is in trouble, she will stick her lower lip out and get low to the ground, turning her head and trying to get her best angle. This dog has been a professional gaslighter ever since she was born. She may seem like she has half a brain cell, but she is about as tricky to understand as a Rubix cube. This dog is ruling over the Jincks family residence in her little turtle-neck sweaters.