Homecoming Dance
By: Madison Silbernagel
Homecoming is an annual dance that freshmen through seniors get to attend. We get to do a bunch of fun activities that follow up to the dance.We will decorate the hallways on Sunday October 9th at 12:30-3:00 for freshmen and sophomores. The juniors and seniors will decorate their hallways from 3:00-5:30 on the 9th. On Monday the game that day will be macho volleyball. Wednesday will be a class T-shirt day and PowderPuff. Friday will be an extreme green and gold day-football game. Then on Saturday there will be the Homecoming dance.
Homecoming is an annual dance that freshmen through seniors get to attend.Homecoming will be in the last week of October with the dance being held on the 15th. There is some food at homecoming though it is mostly dessert food and the drinks are water and juice. The music tends to vary on the DJ, but it is mostly classic pop songs and slow love songs. Vienna Cabaneros said,” I like how the whole school comes together to dance and mingle with each other. It is great that grades don’t matter or even if you’re not dancing with friends.”
The homecoming dance will be held in the student center, starting at 8:00 pm and ending at 11:00 pm. The chaperones will be teachers and parents off to the side. You can wear whatever you want but it has to be somewhat modest and not too revealing. The homecoming ticket will be $7 each. Abby Beyer said “ I recommend that everyone comes even if they come alone, because it will be an experience you should have at least once if not all four years.”
Here are some of the pictures from Last Year’s Homecoming Dance: