History of Regis year 2010
By: Monse Juarez

The year 2010 was the first year of high school for the upcoming freshman. They were determined to make the year amazing and memorable. On September 18th the freshman class traveled to mass at St. Mary’s parish in Corvallis. After that, they went to OSU ropes courses for a day away from school. They had an amazing time spending it with one another. They even got to swing from a trapeze. After their amazing time, they went to the Regis football game together. They ended their day by playing volleyball, Wii, and charades. Then they stayed up till 6 in the morning watching Happy Gilmore as a class. Since it was the freshman’s first year of high school they dressed up as babies for spirit week.
The year 2010 was very special for sports, especially for girls basketball. They had a really good season and ended up winning the state championship. “As a team, my opponent will never see my weaknesses, only my strengths. I trust my team to an unlimited level. With them I am fearless, with them I have hopes and dreams”. This was a quote from the basketball team. This is not only inspirational but also shows the trust they had in each other. There is a picture of the girls praying after their win which is just pretty cool to look at. They ended up winning 51 to 37.
The baseball team looked like they had a pretty good season as well. They had 12 players and three coaches. Looking at the yearbook for baseball, it looks like the coaches were always guiding the baseball players. They had some pretty good highlights. Some of the players were swinging and hitting the ball and getting on base. The pitchers were striking people out. Kevin Butler did a great job of pitching that season. They also had pictures of how the catcher did a great job of catching the balls the opposing team missed. The girls softball season looked like they did a great job. With Emily Perlich having a good pitching season.Also with three softball players hitting home runs!And how they had good softball defense. Looking at the pictures from their season it looks like they had a great season. It looked like they all enjoyed it and worked together. From the team’s quotes, it sounds like it was a really good season.
For the play that year, they presented Fools by Neil Simon. Looking at the pictures it looks like they had a great time and had lots of fun. Fools, by Neil Simon, is the comic tale of Leon, an enthusiastic young schoolteacher who seeks to cure the Ukrainian village of Kulyenchikov from the curse of chronic stupidity from which they have been suffering for 200 years. In the end, he succeeded.
In conclusion, It seemed like everyone had a great year and had a lot of fun. It was a great year for girls basketball. The girls ended up winning the state championship. The freshman seemed to have a really good year. The school did a really good job of performing fools. All of the sports seemed to have really good seasons. With all the players having a good time and working together to succeed.