History of Regis logo
By: Hailey Jincks

A school logo is one of the most important things a school has. School logos are mainly used to show school pride. For Regis, this is no exception. We have hundreds of logo variations here at Regis. They range from Regis written in a fancy font to the classic Reggie Ram head. That is what drove me insane with this article. There are millions of designs, but only a few are Regis’ logo. Also, the fact that none of the yearbooks actually show the logo for Regis. It is hard to see when the logos were changed to a new design. The only times I could think the logo had changed would have been during the 2000’s. I couldn’t find any of the 90’s yearbooks. I know it stayed the same from the 60’s to the 80’s.
The first logo that I found is a crest shape. The logo is designed with a stained glass look to it. The word Regis is tilted to the bottom of the crest. There is a tilted line that separates the Regis name and the crown. The crown comprises three spikes at the bottom, with the in-between spaces filled in to make it round. At the top of the crown, there is a cross. This logo is better than the one we have.
The second logo is the one we have now. It is still a crest shape. Ours now has an open book. The only thing the open book represents that makes sense is the bible. In the center of the open book is a cross. The logo has a color pallet of blue, Green, and White. The crest is a layered border of white and green. This logo was most likely made during the late 90’s or the 2000’s.
At Regis, we use the logo to show our pride in the school we have had for many years. However, there are other things we use to show school spirit. We dress up in different types of costumes. We go all out for Green and Gold days. I even decided to put gold paint on my arms. To make a long story short, it was a mistake, and there was gold on any surface I touched. Every logo or design on our uniforms or merch gives us great pride in our school.
There are hundreds of different designs for things that Regis students are passionate about. If you ask any student who has been in a theater production if they have a show shirt, the answer will be yes. We have shirts for clubs and specific classes. The AP history class makes a shirt for their class every year. The little lambs have their shirts. The students of Regis use their logos and merch to support their school and the things they love.