History of Regis
By: Clara Gallinger

In my article on the history of Regis, I’m writing about my dad and how he went through high school and firefighting classes. My dad, Jeff Gallinger, went through Regis High School. He took all high school classes until about 16 when he started doing other firefighter things. He finally finished all high school classes in 1999.
My dad is currently a firefighter at Keizer Fire but he went to Regis High School.
I think he only did a few classes until junior year, took a break, and then returned for senior a little later. He said he didn’t enjoy high school classes so he chose to take other fire classes.
In his classes, he learned a bit more than in high school classes. He was also taking classes at the fire station. He got his GDA after a few college classes and high school classes. He said it wasnt a smart idea but, hes happy with where hes at now. He said he liked and appreciated his teachers for helping him with this opportunity
My dad said he wasn’t the smartest person, so doing this and having this opportunity was very helpful because he still got his diploma and a firefighter certificate. Hes now working and loves it but doesn’t recommend what he did. It took quite a while and was exhausting. He said it was a lot of work. He also said it was a lot of time.
He attended Chemeketa Community College and is returning to finish his bachelor’s degree. Hes almost done with all his classes and will continue to be a firefighter and teach firefighter classes.