History of Rampage
Regis High School is made up of various courses, all of which take on a significant part of the school’s personality and structure. And one of those many significant courses is the Rampage. The Rampage has an essential role in Regis, and it has been a part of Regis High School for an extended amount of time. The Rampage began its origin in the year of 1963 and shot up into success in 1967. And throughout all of those memorable years it has expanded not only into the school’s system but also into people’s hearts.
Having been brought to us by three seniors, Gayle Owen, Roberta Samek, and Steven Schmidt, these exceptional students were the ones that made up the heart of the team, and held it up for its beginning years. In the present-day Regis’s Rampage is constantly changing staff every nine weeks due to the Rampage being one of the seventh-period electives. With the efforts of every class that has passed through the experiences that Rampage has to offer, it has been able to blossom into greatness.
The Rampage has faced many obstacles throughout its journey. The Rampage, along with the entire world, had to take precautions for the safety of its people due to the devastating impacts that COVID was having on the whole world. During 2020 the Rampage began publishing in digital format, but as COVID escalated as time went on so did the situation, the Rampage had to resort to shutting down publishing in order to maintain the safety of the students. Fortunately, the class of 2027, through its outstanding efforts and leading examples, was able to bring the Rampage back to life through its digital format.
Editors and reporters of Rampage have differentiated as time continued and periods rotated, many of which were gifted with the talent of the art of writing which progressed and blossomed as they took part in the Rampage. These gifted people go back to the year that Rampage began its fruitfulness, that year being 1967. Lorell Boedigheimer and Marilyn Stewart were the Rampage editors at this time and Beckie Freres carried the title of Business Manager, and as they are remembered today we can sense the effort that they poured into their hard work; they are examples to follow for students as their titles are passed on from generation to generation. Most recently Abby Beyer served as the editor for the entire 2023-2023 school year.
The Rampage has become part of Regis’s heart and has left its mark on the school’s history. The countless students who have crossed paths with the Rampage have been impacted by it in different but influential ways, and it is sure to do the same with future generations. As time has gone by, the Rampage has faced numerous difficulties, but the students were able to pull through and help it succeed. As the Rampage continues to evolve, it is sure to continue its golden legacy in this school.