By: Ava Spencer
Last Tuesday on September sixth, as most of you know, was an important day for all of the students of Regis High School. It was the first day of school since June, and for many students it was a new experience. This year, there are twenty-nine new freshmen students attending Regis Highschool. Some used to attend Regis St. Mary’s middle school, while others have come from far and wide. These freshmen or “ Froshies”, as Mr. King likes to call them, have come from many different schools around the area. Lots have also been homeschooled in the past, so coming to an actual high school for their first day was a brand new, exciting (and possibly terrifying) change.
“ What were your expectations of high school like, and how did you think your first day was going to go? ” When asked this question, Millie de Soto responded, “I thought it was going to be really chaotic, and it was. I was really nervous the whole time.” For most of the freshmen, high school and the whole “switching classes thing” was completely new. Many of them have never even been to a middle school before (some were homeschooled or went to a K-8 school) and so the first day was quite nerve-racking. “ It was easy to get to class, but it was also stressful,” said Eli Bischoff “ I had to keep throwing my sketch book back into my bag and then pull it back out again”.
Now with the second week of school nearly done, the freshmen are a lot more used to high school, then they were to begin with in that first, stressful week. They are now almost fully used to the schedule and are getting better at it each day. They are doing well and are enjoying being here with everyone at Regis.
A photo of Freshmen getting their Holy Bible on the 2nd Wednesday: