From Regis to the Navy
By: Sophie Wagner
In January of this year, my brother Simon Wagner enlisted in the Navy. Six weeks after he graduated from Regis, he reported to boot camp. Bootcamp was rough. He had commanding officers shouting at him frequently, a very tight schedule, and limited time to eat or take showers. Simon wrote letters back home to his family and friends as often as possible, and we did the same for him. Through these letters, Simon told us just what life was like in boot camp.
Each week Simon and his division would undergo different training, learning all kinds of things. In his first letter to us, Simon wrote, “I am learning so quickly and so fast, and getting into the swing of things…As expected, my RDCs (Recruit Division Commanders) are loud and intense.” Boot camp trained him to be a stronger swimmer, to fight fires, shoot certain firearms, and survive deadly gases.
Finally, after ten weeks of training, Simon is ready to graduate on October 7th. When he has the chance to come home for a while, he promises to come to visit Regis and talk about his experience, hoping to inspire students. Until then, keep him always in your prayers.
Here’s a picture of my brother: