Freshman’s First Day
By: Atziri Hernandez

Regis sketchpad
Who: The freshmen
What: A chaotic hallway
Where: Hallway in the Regis high school
When: First day of high school
Why: They were nervous
How: They were chaotic
Last week, freshmen had their first day of school. It was nerve-wracking for some students who didn’t know where their classes were, especially for those new ones where the students, teachers, and environment were new to them. Some freshmen came in early since they did not know when classes started. They were used to the 8:00 am schedule in St. Mary. As a result of that, the hallway was a little chaotic in the morning.
Some boys were excited to see their friends again in school, so most of them were playing around in the halls. The girls were also excited when seeing each other. They were talking out loud and laughing. Some other students were nervously fixing up their lockers and anxiously looking at their schedules worried about how they were going to find their classes. Some people a little before classes were forming groups to travel from class to class. Nevertheless, after the first week of school, the freshmen have become more and more comfortable with the school.