Freshman Prince and Princess

By: Gage Baughman

For 2022, the Homecoming Prince and Princess for the Freshmen class are Rook Smith and Lily Jepsen. This means they were the top picks for the Freshman class for the Homecoming Prince and Princess. I think votes were based on who would fit best for the role of a leader. I voted for Rook Smith and Lily Jepsen because I felt they best represented the class. Rook was the best pick because he speaks what is on his mind and is not afraid to say his opinion or his great ideas. Lily was my other pick because of her bright personality, good ideas, and intellectual strength. All in all, I am happy with our Freshmen Homecoming Prince and Princess. 

Lily Jepsen likes to play sports such as volleyball and basketball. Rook also plays many sports, such as baseball, basketball, and football. They are both very athletic and like to take part in school events. A quote from Atziri about the Freshmen Homecoming is, “Yes, I like the class choice of the princess and prince. I chose Lily Jepsen and Rook Smith for these spots because I thought they were good leaders and the best choices.” Grant’s opinion of the princess and prince is that these two were a perfect choice to fulfill the princess and princess’s spots. Overall, I think the class and I like who we chose for our class homecoming princess and prince. 

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