Freshman Class Motto
By: Hayden Lulay

Our freshman class motto quote was hard to talk about with our class because everybody was fighting about it. All the groups wanted to choose random quotes and they were all kind of not good but my motto for our class was pretty good. It said ‘’ We cannot love God unless we love each other, and to love we must know each other’’. This quote stuck out to me because we need to start loving in our class more and love God in our daily lives. After all, God can help us with anything, so we need to start loving one another better in class. The other quote that our class discussed ‘’ I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me’’. This quote was just not that good because it’s easy to find and two groups choose this one. It’s just too bland, it just doesn’t show us what our class is like. But the quote shows people what our class is about and it is just really excellent to have as a class motto for the freshman class. The quote that won was written by Dorthy Day.