Freshman Chemeketa Trip
By: Lauren Dean
The Freshman class of 2026 visited Chemeketa Community College and Willamette Career Academy last Wednesday, April 12th. They first visited Willamette Career Academy. The academy offered multiple different career classes including Cosmetology, Engineering, Anatomy, and so much more. The Freshman traveled to Chemeketa Community College where they had an on-campus tour and also learned about many classes and career opportunities.
After the tour of Chemeketa, the class went to a concession stand where the students had their lunch. After that, I asked multiple students if they are planning on going to school at Chemeketa. Out of all the people I asked, MaryBeth said she is going to attend the community college after high school. She said, “Chemeketa is a great opportunity for me.” Overall, the experience for everyone was very educational and exciting.