First Week Of School
By: Ainslie Hume

Last week was the first week of school for all grades 9-12. First-year students started a day before the sophomores, juniors, seniors, and first-year students had the day to tour the school and see their classes. Silverton Middle School had at least 100 people in the eighth grade compared to the 29 first-year students at Regis High School. On Wednesday, Susie’s taco truck came to school and became immensely popular. The line was so long that it took the whole lunch period. The taco truck will come to Regis High School every week for lunch so that we will have tacos on Thursdays.
The teachers were very welcoming to the first-year students, answered all of our questions, and the first week of school was simple; the only homework the freshman had was syllabi to sign and bring back. All we learned was the procedures for each class and what was expected of us. One of the new first-year students, Clara, said: “The first week of school was stressful but fun.” A junior from Regis said he was happy he got to see his friends again. One of the sophomores, Liam, said, “It took a bit to get back into rhythm.” Two seniors agreed it was slow but were glad to be back.