Country vs. Country Club
By: Adriana Gilmore

On Tuesday, October 8th Regis had a country vs. country club for our 2nd day of homecoming spirit week. We have Brody Keonig (country) and Kaison Acker (country club) for our freshmen. For our sophomores, we have Jake Bohnke (country club), and Maddie Hendricks (country). We have Rook Smith (country club) and Ava Spencer (country) for our juniors. For our seniors, we have Alex Pelayo (country club), and Ella Hilton (country). First, we had all the Country step out and the judges chose sophomores for last place, freshmen for third place, seniors for second place, and juniors got first place. Next, we had the country club step out, and in fourth place we had freshmen. In third place we had seniors. In second place we had juniors. Finally, in first place we had sophomores. That is it for the second day of homecoming spirit week. Take care, God bless, go Rams.