Community Service
By: Hank Foltz
On March 6th, the Regis students who weren’t participating or helping with the play went over to the Benedictine sister’s monastery in Mount Angel to do community service. Over at the monastery, we had a couple of groups working doing jobs like cleaning the gravestones, dusting, sweeping and vacuuming.
At the start of the day, some of the community service members introduced themselves, and we got a quick crash course on the history of the building, what their mission was, and when it started. The sisters also talked about what had to be done in preparation for a few events they had going on. After this, we broke into a few groups to get to work for about an hour or so, and then we all gathered to eat an amazing pizza lunch provided by the sisters. After pizza, we all grabbed a few chairs and brought them to their old gym in preparation for an event they had going on.
The second half of the day was filled with more cleaning. There was a lot of work to do, but with all the help we had, we persevered and got it done. After all the cleaning was done inside, we headed out to trim the apple trees in the orchid. When we completed our work in the orchid, the students all loaded onto the bus and headed to Dutch Bros, where all of us got drinks before we returned back to school
Many people, including myself, had a great time cleaning. Liam McSorley remarked, “It was nice to be able to go and help in the form of physical labor.” Dr. Jim Tabor said, ”I found it humbling and kind of sad that the community was closing after 140 years of service.” Juanito Juarez stated, ”I really enjoyed being able to help the community, and I really recommend doing this type of service if you haven’t already.”