Class of 2024 Junior Retreat
By: Marybeth Nusom
This year the class of 2024 went on the annual junior retreat. It was a two-day retreat that started on Saturday, April 22. The junior retreat is an annual retreat to help the junior students of Regis shift to the next part of their lives, helping to lead the school as seniors. The Junior class arrived at the school around 9:15 am, starting their day with morning prayer in the chapel. Then they departed for the Christian Renewal Center where they participated in different sessions aiming to talk about the Holy Spirit, which were led by Brother John, and Brother Ricardo. Seniors Melissa Gonzalez, Peyton Stuckart, Aidan Klascius, and Adam Hilton came to talk to the Juniors about spiritual leadership at Regis and participate in small groups throughout the trip. There were many opportunities to sit and talk with small groups, including lunch and dinner. The Junior class also enjoyed a hike to the north falls on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, there was a campfire and s’mores where the junior class sang along to songs and had a great time. After the campfire and evening prayer, they went to their cabins for the night. On Sunday morning after packing up and having a continental breakfast, the Juniors rode the vans to St. Mary’s Church in Mount Angel for mass. After mass, there was lunch and a closing prayer service commissioning the class of 2024 as the school’s student leaders. Around 12:30, the students arrived back at Regis after an amazing junior retreat.
As a result of the retreat, we hope that the class of 2024 will be great student leaders to the rest of the school. After talking to my brother, Mark Nusom, it seems he had a great time. He appreciated the opportunity to spend time with his classmates in the presence of the Holy Spirit and prepare for the coming year. Mark Nusom said, “It was one of the most memorable retreats I’ve gone on.” He also remarked on the campfire and songs and expressed how fun they were. Hopefully, the tradition of the Junior retreat continues to help support the future leaders of Regis St.Mary.