Christmas Tree: Artificial vs Real
By: Hadley Foster
What’s better: a fake Christmas tree or a real Christmas tree? Many people would prefer to have a real tree because of the smell. A lot of families’ traditions include going to a Christmas tree farm and cutting a tree down, many other families don’t want to take care of a real Christmas tree or clean it up after Christmas time.
Why a real Christmas tree? Abby Searles says, “I like the smell of the real Christmas tree and I think that the traditional look, looks better.” Most people, like Abby, would prefer to have a real tree because of the smell and the look. In addition, it’s a tradition for many families to go to a Christmas tree farm and find a tree for their house. This is not something you can do with an artificial tree.
Why an artificial Christmas tree? A lot of people don’t have time to manage a real tree so they use a fake tree. There are a lot of perks to having a fake tree such as you don’t have to water it, you don’t have to pick it up after it, and you can re-use it every year. There are also a lot of downsides to having a fake tree such as you don’t get to go and pick out a tree, you don’t get to have the smell that the real trees have, and decorating a fake tree isn’t as fun as decorating a real Christmas tree (in my opinion).