Posts by Jim Tabor

Mrs. Leslie Jepsen’s Time at Regis

Mrs. Leslie Jepsen’s Time at Regis

By Mayla Manning Mrs. Leslie Jespen, a graduate of Regis High School in 1997, was known for her active participation...

Thank You Senior Softball Players

Thank You Senior Softball Players

By Myla Etzel Regis Softball has three Seniors this year in the softball program: Amy Martinez, Alli Hendricks, and Melissa...

<strong>2023 Regis Track and Feild Districts Results</strong>

2023 Regis Track and Feild Districts Results

By: Mylah Etzel Congratulations to our very own Regis track athletes for making it to the state! Below are the...

The Regis Nusoms

The Regis Nusoms

By: Marybeth Nusom For the last twenty consecutive years, at least one Nusom has been in attendance at Regis. The...

Pitching Scenarios

Pitching Scenarios

By: Makenzie Schacher Pitching is a crucial part of softball and baseball. Not only is it all about mindset and...