By Lina Rutkowski
We are so blessed to have such an amazing school. Regis is definitely one of a kind. We are so blessed to be able to go to a Catholic school and still get the amazing experience of high school in such a close-knit community. We get the best of both worlds.
Freshman year was so amazing and fun! I had such a great year. I was a cheerleader and got to know so many new people and be a bigger part of the community. I was so welcomed by everyone and made at home, and that was huge for my being a new student. Everyone was kind and supportive of one another. I got to know the cheerleaders really well now they are all like sisters. I also played softball, and it was so fun. I got to know the freshman girls so much better and it was such an awesome experience. I really had fun with sports this year. It was huge part of my year. I loved being able to be a part of the fans at games and cheering on the athletes.
I truly love how Regis is a close community and how they give us so many opportunities to get to know each other better. We did so many things over the year, like when the whole freshman class went on a retreat together. We were able to grow closer together and grow closer to God. Afterward, we went to Get Air and had so much fun! We had such a great time during homecoming and homecoming week. We also had dress-up days and played Mocho Volleyball and Powder Puff football. We all went to homecoming and had a blast. It was amazing. We also got to have all school lunches and masses. All year we got to do fun activities, go on field trips and were privileged to make Confirmation together as a class, and it was so beautiful. We also had the school fall production of Southern Hospitality, and then we had our musical Xanadu. Many of us attended the prom, and oh wow, was that something else. It was so much fun. Then to end this awesome school year, we had an all-school lunch and played messy games that were fun and crazy. Finally, we said goodbye to our wonderful seniors, who I am really going to miss next year. They had an awesome graduation.
This was a heck of a school year. It was full of fun and joy, and community, and I couldn’t have wanted more in this year. I made so many friends and had so much fun. I am so thankful that I got to go to Regis and I can’t wait for the years to come.