Class of 2020’s Impact in the Community
By: Stephen Lejeune
Regis’ Class of 2020 was filled with outstanding, bright students. They had their ups and downs, and they suffered a pandemic during their senior year. Even under these circumstances, they always found a way to help and support each other and their community. The Class of 2020 did lots of volunteer work, but some were bigger than the rest. The Class of 2020 started the Courage Fund, worked with the Marion Polk Food Share and Youth Farm, and packed meals for starving children.
The biggest fundraiser started by the Class of 2020 was the Courage Fund. It began as a senior service project by Courage Minten, Eli Stuckart, and Roger Cheng to help fund the education of Courage’s siblings in Ghana. They collected school supplies, cans, and other donations to fund tuition and other fees. Unfortunately, in 2022, Courage Minten passed away. Shortly after, his family officially started the Courage Fund as a non-profit based on what the three students began. In October 2023, The Courage Fund raised around $3,200 through their Bingo For a Cause event at Snow Peak Brewing in downtown Stayton. Eli Stuckart described the experience as something he will “never forget.” He said they were “fortunate enough to be in a position where we could start something that has helped and will continue to help people a continent away through the help of our community,” He said that was “something pretty inspiring.”
The Class of 2020 also worked with the Marion Polk Food Share to help people in Marion and Polk County. They packed food that was later distributed to families in need. They also volunteered at Marion Polk Food Share Youth Farm, which works with Chemeketa and OSU to grow organic fruits and vegetables. The food was distributed to local food pantries and health clinics to ensure that all families could have healthy foods to eat. The Class of 2020 worked to clean up debris around the farm and plant new starts.
In 2018, the Class of 2020 helped pack meals for Feed My Starving Children. Feed My Starving Children is a Christian non-profit that works to provide meals to hungry children in over 70 countries. Regis and Stayton High School packed over 100,000 meals that were later given to children in need. All of the meals were prayed over before they were shipped out.
Regis’ Class of 2020 also participated in numerous other service projects. These were carried out during their years as underclassmen and some for their senior service projects. These projects included working with the Stayton Food Bank, the Oregon Humane Society, local churches, and painting a community member’s home.