The Staff of Regis in The Early 2000’s
By: Liam McSorley
The Regis staff was very different in the early 2000s compared to the present. Rather than these teachers you know now, there was almost a whole other faculty. While Mr Schmidlkofer and Mr. Bauer were still there, all the teachers differed. This article aims to tell you about the teachers who taught early this millennium. We’ll start with everyone’s favorite class, Math.
Rather than Ms. Wiltsey and Ms. Stuckart, the math teachers were Mr. Pramuk and Mr. Tabor (Not Mr Tabor, who we have here now, his brother). When I talked to my mother, a student at this time, she said that Mr. Pramuk was a stringent and challenging teacher. Mr. Tabor was a fantastic teacher who was super easy to learn from. He made learning fun and often showed pictures of his trip to Africa.
The history teachers were Mr. Harrison and Mr. McGrew rather than Ms. Leeper. Mr. McGrew taught more than just history; he also taught sociology and psychology. He had a massive wealth of knowledge about many different subjects and always had interesting stories to share. Together, they made these subjects fun and exciting for everyone.
The science teachers back then were Mrs. Graham and Mr. Lee. Mrs. Graham taught Biology and Forensic Science, while Mr. Lee taught Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy. Mrs. Graham was deeply devoted to making Science a hands-on activity. She was also a lot of fun and would always be able to find something to dissect, legally, of course. Mr. Lee was as invested in his students as he was brilliant, and he was practically a genius. He would allow a lot of creativity in projects while still holding everyone to extremely high standards.
The English teachers were Mr. Hulbert, Mrs. Barsotti, and Mr. Schmidlkofer. Mrs. Barsotti was a good person to talk with, and as a plus, you could get college credits in her class. Mr. Hulbert was a fun teacher, and as the Dean of Discipline, he was responsible for ensuring you followed the dress code and similar things. Even back then Mr. Schmidlkofer had a great sense of humor and spoke Spanish. He and Mr. Bauer are the only two teachers who have been here since the beginning of this century.
Now, there is still one class that I haven’t mentioned. The Theology teachers were Mr. Pramuk and Mr. Tabor again, but I can’t rewrite my paragraph about the Math teachers, so I think I’ll end this here. Thanks for reading, and while you’re here, maybe check out some of the other articles written by the Regis Students. Special thanks to my mom for writing a list of the teachers and some things about them.