The Regis Nusoms
By: Marybeth Nusom
For the last twenty consecutive years, at least one Nusom has been in attendance at Regis. The Nusoms have left their mark on Regis in many ways (good and bad). From drama productions, sports, academics, and senior pranks. The first Nusom to attend was in 2003. The last will be me when I graduate in 2026, which makes about 23 years of Nusoms coming through Regis. Having so many siblings attending Regis, or that have attended Regis, has many pros and cons.
In 2003, Jeff Nusom came to Regis as a freshman and would cause a lot of trouble in the next 4 years. He played football all four years of high school. After Jeff graduated in 2006, Brett Nusom then joined Regis as a freshman in 2007. During his years of high school, he did track, and cross country, and helped build sets for the Regis plays. He went on to graduate in 2011. Ashley Nusom also joined in 2007 where she would have a great high school career doing track, cross country, and acting in many Regis productions. In 2012 she graduated from Regis. In 2011 Faith Nusom joined Regis, and she did track and cross country. She then graduated in 2015. Matthew Nusom joined in 2016, and did track all four years, cross country for one, and football for three. At the end of his high school career, he graduated as the valedictorian of the class of 2020.
The current Nusoms attending Regis consist of Mark, John, and myself. Mark began his time at Regis in 2020 and has since played football for three years, wrestled for two, and done track for two. He also takes several advanced placement and honors courses. John started his high school career in 2021 and has done track, wrestling, cross country, and baseball. Lastly, I, MaryBeth Nusom, have just started my high school career in 2022. During my freshman year, I wrestled, helped with the musical, and took one honors class.
My siblings all have different opinions of their high school experience. Many of us have been successful in sports, such as Ashley who has multiple accolades for track and field. And of course, Matthew was successful since he was the valedictorian for the class of 2020. My sister Faith has claimed to have fallen asleep everywhere on campus at least once. Others, however, have had different experiences, such as Jeff, who during his senior year decided to do a prank. He took all the doors off the boy’s bathroom stalls in the student center, and they had not been replaced until the summer of 2020. One teacher who has now taught all the Nusoms is Mr. Schmidlkofer. Similarly, Coach Bauer has coached almost every Nusom in track or cross country.
Each and every one of the Nusoms is thankful for the opportunities that Regis has offered throughout our high school careers. We are also happy with the friendships we have made during our time at Regis. Though it can be challenging going through high school with siblings, I would not have it any other way. Regis has been a place we have been able to grow academically, spiritually, and athletically. All of my siblings have helped me learn how to succeed in high school and do the best I can at Regis.