The Seniors
By: Grant Dolby
Meet the Seniors: these guys have made my first year the best, and the Seniors next year have big shoes to fill. This year’s class has helped everyone, no matter who they are or if they don’t like them. As you will see, this group of guys is like a brotherhood. No matter what, we all will protect each other.
Tim Crowell: First up, we have Tim Crowell. Tim’s inspiration is his family because all his siblings played football. His favorite part of football is playing with the people he loves to play with and having fun with the team. Tim’s favorite memory was when he first played football in high school.
Luis Perez Villegas: Luis’s inspiration is all his buddies off the team. His favorite part is getting better at football, both on the field and off the field. His favorite memory is when coach Oden asked him to be the kicker for the team by asking if he ever played soccer.
Luke Bischoff: Luke’s inspiration is his dad. His favorite part of football is defense. His favorite memory while playing football is “getting smoked by Heppner but still laughing with the bros during the game.”
Cody Ditter: Cody’s inspiration to play football is to be in a close brotherhood. His favorite part of football is the practice or the team dinners. One of his favorite memories of all time is going to the lake at the Bentz´s. His favorite memory of this year is the game against Colton and seeing how far we could go against the best team in the state.
Casey Voltin: Casey’s inspiration is his big brother, who is currently playing football at Oregon State. His favorite part of football is the brother and family aspect, and the parties in the weight room after big wins. A good memory this year is the hospital trip with Noah.
That is all of the guys, and the whole team appreciates all who led the team to a 6-1 season. We will miss all of you guys.
Starting from the left we have Tim Crowell, Luis Perez Villegas, Casey Voltin, Cody Ditter, and Luke Bischoff :