By: Gage Baughman
On the first day of class, I went on a rampage. I was overwhelmed because I am not a very good writer at all. In class, we talked about what we will be doing over the next couple of weeks. For the first article, we started with the school year and how the experience was going. So far I have written about my Wednesday elective and Ms. Leeper. Right now, I’m working on writing about the history of Regis between 2007-2010, because I think there will be some good things to write about during that time period.
This is the first year of the school newspaper since it ended a year or two ago. I really like rampage because it is so much fun to look back on the Regis rampage and remember what I wrote about. This elective also helps me to become a better writer and a faster typer. I think I’m going to write about the homecoming princesses and princes next because that is a huge event that is coming up soon. After that is done, it should be close to Halloween, so I will try to write something about that. All in all, I’ve had an outstanding time during this class and I will miss it when we change electives. I hope the rest of the freshmen class enjoys the Rampage and learns as much as I do.